
Posts Tagged ‘natural mood booster’

I can link just about any mood swing, or a lack of my typical “energizer bunny” energy levels, to what I have consumed and my digestion. Once you know the secrets to superior digestive functioning, you will experience incredible energy, radiant skin, and a unique lightness, in addition to superior health and overall well-being. It starts with what is going on inside.


Digestion is key, and if you have been researching “probiotics” or “digestive health” for any length of time, you have probably come across the statement: “85% of the body’s immune system can be found in the gut.”

When you look up the word “gut” in the dictionary, you will likely come across some sort of reference to the “stomach” or the “belly.” To refer to the stomach as the gut, especially when talking about our immunity, can be very misleading. Our stomach is just a piece of the entire “digestive equation” and thus our immune system.

Once food leaves the stomach it must travel the length of the small and large intestine (25-30 feet). The small intestine is where most nutrient absorption occurs. A lot can happen during this transit time, affecting the way our body does and does not absorb nutrients for energy, beauty, and health. The transit time of our food also dictates the rate at which we accumulate waste. This waste accumulation is linked to disease, weight gain, rapid aging, and cell deterioration. 

There are hundreds of trillions of itty-bitty microorganisms living in harmony along the digestive tract, and functioning as a part of the whole body. Various strains of bacteria help to break down and eliminate waste matter in the intestines. These are often referred to as “good bacteria,” “probiotics,” or “beneficial flora.” Creating a protective barrier along the entire digestive tract, and preventing the invasion of pathogens, viruses, bad bacteria and undigested food particles, these microorganisms are essential to our health.

But when the dog bites (a.k.a. we flood our system with stressors), we compromise the existence of our friendly bacteria, and thus compromise our immune system and health.

To prevent this from occurring, our first line of defense should be a healthy diet. This means focusing our attention on the colors in the produce section, rather than the marbling on our steak, and the “bliss-point” of our snickers bar.

and the bee stings,

These are a few of my favorite things to help with every day life:

  1. Raw Probiotics by Garden of Life. Over the years that I have been working with clients and recommending probiotics, Garden of Life is the brand my clients and I have come to swear by. And by swear by, I mean, when we don’t have them, we notice a difference. In addition to a wholesome diet, probiotics help with digestion, and therefore our energy levels, sugar cravings, youth and longevity, a strong immunity, and our skin, just to name a few. Although Garden of Life’s brand is not vegan, I do find the product produces both short and long-term results. You can get these online here.
  2. Fermented foods, like “Spicy Kim-Chi” by Rejuventative foods, help to combat sugar cravings, improve digestion, and strengthen your immunity by providing the body with live cultures (probiotics) that are completely unpasteurized, and vegan. These little organisms can help our body rebuild its own happy colony of beneficial flora. I recommend enjoying this before lunch and dinner, to prevent overeating, and other cravings. Kim-Chi and fermented foods should always be raw and unpasteurized. They should NEVER contain vinegar. You can find Rejuvenative foods in your favorite health food store, like Whole Foods Market, or online. You can also make a probiotic rich and fermented food product in your kitchen.1418279_97914344
  3. Instead of reaching for sugar, I choose NuNaturals NuStevia. (Preferably the Alcohol-free Vanilla). When times are stressful, I often look for something nostalgic like a hot chocolate. Gratefully, a little bit of cocoa, hot water, and stevia do the trick for me, and I am a happy camper. You can find NuNaturals Alcohol-Free Stevia online here.
  4. Raw Cacao by Navitas. Much like a coffee bean makes coffee, chocolate is derived from the cacao bean. Cacao has mood-boosting properties due to Theobromine, a stimulant similar to caffeine (You can read more here: “Can you be addicted to Chocolate?”). For those that are susceptible to anxiety and stress, raw cacao does not seem to have the same nervousness and jittery side effects that coffee, or even a processed cocoa, has. I attribute this to the availability of magnesium, a naturally relaxing mineral that balances out moderate amounts of the stimulant. When I am chilly, or just needing a little mood-boosting, I mix 1 tbsp of raw cacao with 1 cup of hot water and NuNaturals NuStevia to taste. For a creamier mixture, use a dairy-free alternative like almond or coconut milk.  You can find Raw Cacao by Navitas online here.
  5. Scram—by Healthforce. When I am traveling, dining out more often, and gravitating towards more sugars, like chocolate after dinner (and yes, even more fruits), I can feel my system getting out of sorts. This is where I absolutely love Healthforce’s SCRAM—a delightful blend of herbs that enhance digestion by helping to prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeasts. Not only do they help to kill off the bad guys, but they have the good guys proliferate. 5 stars from me– especially from clients suffering from acne! You can find Scram online here.
  6. My big secret— I am also a big fan of motivational books on audio. I get these out at the library and listen to them on my many commutes to meet with clients, run errands, and the works. I cannot say I am a fan of them all, but as long as the message is upbeat and the advice actionable, I always find a takeaway, however small (even if it’s just a good laugh). (Can I admit that I once listened to part of an ancient CD coaching young women to ask for raises, and other completely taboo topics at the time of its publication? The advice was sound (and still relevant) but it also gave me a good laugh when they introduced role playing. Give me a break. I am in the car a lot 🙂 ). Did you know you can achieve anything? Dream big. There is no such thing as a dream too big. 

These are just a few of my non-foodie tips that I share with my clients. Interested in improving your digestion for superior health and energy? Send me an email. I would be happy to work with you. Lauren@theglowdetoxdiet.com

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